Free real time stock trading simulator

Free real time stock trading simulator

Posted: ursen Date of post: 21.06.2017

The title says it all.

I'm looking for a simulation stock market to play around with. One that is, ideally, as close to the real thing as possible. I've heard that Investopia is a pretty good resource for all things 'stock' and found they have a simulator available.

However, before I comit to using it, I'd like to know if you guys could recommed a better alternative. The simulator will, preferably, have a 'learn as you go' theme to it. Something that's friendly for a beginner. This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

I really can't think of any other platform that allows you to dabble around in so many products fictionally. And honestly, if all that "make[s] the learning experience a bit more complicated" and demotivates you, well thats probably a good thing for your sake.

There is a site that treats you like a fund manager in the real market, Marketoracy, http: Each user is given 1 million in cash. Currently, options are not supported. The real value of the site is that users are ranked against each other of course, you can op out of the rankings.

This is really cool because you can determine the real worth of your returns compared to the rest of investors across the site. A couple years back, the top investors were invited to come on as real mutual fund managers - so the competition is legitimate.

Take a look at the site, it's definitely worth a try.

free real time stock trading simulator

Were there other great sites you looked at? Many online brokers have a "virtual" or "paper" trading feature to them.

You can make trades in near-real time with a fake account balance and it will treat it as though you were making the trade at that time. Stock market is like poker: I would recommend instead to play with real market and real money rule 0: Start with safe products and go to the bath progressively.

It took me about ten years and I am still learning. I have a free account on http: They do this so that you can test their tracking and other assorted tools, in hopes that you'll choose to invest your real hard earned money with them.

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Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Looking for a stock market simulation that's as close to the real thing as possible [closed]. Dave 36 1 2. That feels as if it'll make the learning experience a bit more complicated.

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ChrisW - that assumes you know all the rules. For example, how dividends are handled with short positions. A good simulator will expose you to those little surprises.

Thinkorswim's ThinkDesktop platform allows you to replay a previous market day if you wish. You can also use paper money in stocks, options, futures, futures options, forex, etc there. Jimmy 2 8. I'll look into this. Thanks for the tip.

free real time stock trading simulator

Can you please give few examples of such brokers which also have an API and trade in US markets? That's the hardest way to learn, as it will have negative psychological effects from the "learning curve". Jimmy - So what makes you think after playing online you will be any better. It's mostly a matter of training yourself to use a stable system planning your entry point, exit point for profit, exit point for loss.

free real time stock trading simulator

It also introduces you to the psychological effects of market swings, though not as severely since you aren't actually losing real money. I'm not guaranteeing you'll make better trades though that's one goal , but you'll learn not to let your emotions control your buying and selling habits.

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